Advanced Immunotherapy

When starting immunotherapy (allergy shots) there are two phases, the ‘build-up phase’ and the ‘maintenance phase’. The build-up phase is when your shots gradually increase the doses of the allergen(s) you are allergic to. Reaching maintenance means an effective therapeutic dose of allergen is reached and shots can decrease in frequency. Patients then transition to less frequent injections. There are multiple ways to reach maintenance; Traditional takes 3-6 months and Advanced takes just 1-2 days.

What is Advanced Immunotherapy?

Advanced Immunotherapy helps you find relief faster. This process takes a maximum of 2 days to reach the maintenance phase and requires 1 to 2 full days in our office. Injections are given every 30 minutes in gradually increasing doses, with a 30-minute waiting period in between each injection. These are only done in offices with a doctor present, due to the slightly increased risk of having a reaction.

Why do Advanced vs Traditional?

Traditional immunotherapy requires 2-3 visits a week to the office for allergy shots during the build up to maintenance, which can take 3-6 months. With Advanced Immunotherapy, you reach maintenance within two days. This allows patients to see symptom improvement quicker, as well as avoid the need to come in multiple times a week for allergy shots. This is a great option for adults who travel and might not be able to commit to coming in three times a week during the build-up phase.