An allergist is a pediatric and/or internal medicine physician who has undergone at least two additional year of specialized training in Allergy & Immunology. Allergists are specifically trained to diagnose and treat patients who have asthma, allergies and immunologic diseases. No other physician specialty has this level of expertise in treating patients with these conditions.

Services we provide

  • Allergy skin testing
  • On-site allergy shots
  • Rush immunotherapy
  • Asthma care and management
  • Breathing tests (pulmonary function assessment)
  • Environmental allergy testing
  • Food allergy testing and challenges
  • Stinging insect testing
  • Patient education

About Allergy & Immunology

When a person has an allergic reaction, it means their immune system mistakenly believes a substance is harmful and responds by trying to eliminate it. Allergic reactions can be mild, like a runny nose, or in rare cases, cause difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat and tongue, or even loss of consciousness.

Allergic disorders affect a large percentage of the population and represent some of the most common chronic medical conditions. While allergic disorders are very common, they are also very complex and require detailed care from a specialist. Our allergy & immunology doctor provides consultation, testing, treatment and continuing care for allergies and allergic conditions, plus testing and treatment for disorders of the immune system, including:

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Hay fever & chronic nasal problems
  • Asthma
  • Chronic cough
  • Allergic skin conditions, including eczema 
  • Food allergy
  • Insect venom allergy
  • Recurrent or chronic sinusitis
  • Acute and chronic hives
  • Swelling disorders
  • Primary immune deficiency